Women In The Ministry #8 By: General James Green
PRAISE GOD! THIS IS LESSON NUMBER 8 in our study on WOMEN IN THE MINISTRY. This is a fantastic study. It’s so good because it is a liberating study. These truths are going to set women free to be what they’re supposed to be in God, and no longer suffer in bondage to traditions. Very few Christians realize that in the mess they call church, which is supposed to be so enlightened today, they’re still under the influence of the Orthodox Jewish Talmud. The false teachings that say a woman can’t teach and a woman can’t preach stem all the way back to the Talmud. Those teachings are nothing more than the traditions of men. This is one of the most important things we’ve found out as we’ve been going through this study.
“Let your women keep silence in the churches: for it is not permitted unto them to speak; but they are commanded to be under obedience, as also saith the law. And if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home: for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.” — I Corinthians 14:34-35
If you were to study the text in these verses, as we have done in the previous lessons, you will find that when they mention “thus saith the law”, what they are referring to is the oral law of the Jews that was written down and eventually formed into the Talmud. And the Talmud is the law of the orthodox Jews to this day. Obviously the orthodox Jews do not agree with Jesus Christ whatsoever. Everybody knows they are totally antichrist. In fact they put Christ our Saviour to death on the cross. They murdered the Truth.
CHRISTIANS AND THE TALMUD “BUT THE TRUTH LIVES on, doesn’t it?” Yes, it lives on. And people ask me if I am anti-Jewish. We are “anti” anything that is antichrist. The real question is, ARE THE JEWS ANTICHRIST? Yes, they are antichrist, and they proclaim it in their own writings. We’ve been looking into some of the Talmudic law in our last message, and I’m going to continue on with some more quotes out of the Talmud. If you don’t believe what I’m saying, get a Talmud and read it for yourself. If Christians in this country would find out what’s in that Talmud they would drop the whole Jew issue, quit worshiping the Jews and get down to business with Jesus the Messiah. We must realize that as we tackle this subject we’re dealing with satan; satan hates the truth. He always has. It says he was a murderer from the beginning. He never abode in the truth, therefore he hates the truth. He’ll use any vessel, any nation that will oppose the truth. What we are doing is breaking through the traditions of men that have kept women in bondage for centuries. We have been studying the oral laws of the Talmud which have been passed down as truth and unknowingly accepted by the majority of Christians. Indeed, in the eyes of the Jews, the Talmud is above the law of Moses today. Yet God never intended it to be that way; but because of their misunderstanding of the Word of God, they have reinterpreted it to meet their own fancies, adding a multitude of manmade traditions.
THE TALMUD’S ATTITUDE TOWARDS WOMEN NOW I WANT TO read you something here that exposes the typical Jewish attitude towards women. In fact, this is a Jewish prayer from the Talmud. It says, “Praise be to God He has not created me a Gentile. PRAISE BE TO GOD HE HAS NOT CREATED ME A WOMAN. Praise be to God He has not created me an ignorant man.” To call a Jew a Gentile was a grave insult back then and it still is today. It would be comparable to calling me a dog or a slave or fool. And they have the nerve to put women on the same level! What they are saying is that if you even consider a woman to have any knowledge, any sense, any brains, that you are supremely stupid. Women are placed on the same level as dogs, slaves and fools. They are considered among the lowest of creatures and treated accordingly. It is obvious that we are dealing with a deep-seated hatred for the female side of God’s creation. When God created man and woman, He created them in the image and likeness of Himself; so when you despise and hate women and claim that they are lesser than men, you are hating and despising a part of God. And if you’re a Christian and you hate your wife and want to dominate over her, and if you won’t allow her to do certain things because of teachings and traditions that are oppressive towards women, then in reality YOU ARE HATING YOUR SISTER IN CHRIST, AND YOU’RE HATING A PART OF GOD. Think about it in those terms the next time you tell your wife that she has to submit to you because God has ordained men to rule over women. I want to talk a little about an ancient historian named Josephus. He was a Jew born into a priestly family in Jerusalem about AD 38. He is most famous for his history of the Jewish war with Rome. He had many things to say about the events and customs of those days. He says concerning the woman’s role, “The woman, says the law, is in all things inferior to the man. Let her be submissive.” After this he refers back to the oral law, not the Bible. A lot of people take what Josephus says as the truth because he was a historian. Nevertheless, what he says about women being inferior and submissive goes directly back to the Talmud—the oral law of the Jewish priests and rabbis. What I’m trying to show you is in history, the Talmud had already taken precedence over the written Word of God among the Jewish people, and it still holds that position today. They place their oral traditions, which have been passed down in the form of the Talmud, above the Bible. And this attitude towards women has infiltrated Christianity to the point that even today you will find many churches where women can’t speak or teach. Many won’t even allow women to sing or do other things as well...all because of the misinterpretation of certain scriptures and the acceptance of Jewish traditions from the Talmud. Isn’t it strange how things get mixed up and shifted around?! “Very few Christians realize that in the mess they call church, which is supposed to be so enlightened today, they’re still under the influence of the Orthodox Jewish Talmud.”
THE CURSES OF EVE NOW BACK TO THE Talmud. In the Talmud you will find what they call “the curses of Eve.” I’m going to read you the curses one by one. The context for the curses is back in Genesis chapter 3, where after the disobedience of Adam and Eve we find God pronouncing judgement upon them. The Talmud basically restates what God tells Eve in Genesis 3:16.
“Unto the woman he said, I will greatly multiply thy sorrow and thy conception; in sorrow thou shalt bring forth children; and thy desire shall be to thy husband, and he shall rule over thee.” — Genesis 3:16
The reason the Jews have put too much emphasis upon these curses is because the Rabbis, Scribes, Pharisees and other ultraconservative orthodox Jews believe that Eve is responsible for the fall of Adam and the resulting curse of sin upon the world; therefore, according to them, women in general deserve to be cursed and looked upon as inferior. Yet as we discussed in a previous message, God was not intentionally cursing Eve in Genesis 3. He was only explaining to her the consequences of her disobedience to His commands. Unfortunately, the Jews, and many other ignorant people, have used this verse as a CLUB to PUNISH women and BEAT THEM INTO SUBMISSION. The first curse says that God will greatly multiply the woman’s sorrows in her conception as well as childbearing and raising children. According to Jewish traditions, all women are supposed to have painful childbirth and raise their children in sorrow. Have you ever wondered about that? Some women have fantastic childbirth and claim that it is the most beautiful experience a woman can have. Not all of them go through excruciating pain. The point I’m trying to make is that if this Talmudic curse was an absolute fact given by God, then every woman that had ever had a child would go through great sorrow and pain. Obviously not all women experience this, which exposes the Talmud as nothing more than the traditions of men, not the Word of God. The next curse says the woman’s conception shall be at her husband’s choice and discretion. In other words, whenever the man wants the woman, it’s at his choice and discretion. The woman has nothing to say about it. We see this mentality a lot in our culture. The man snaps his fingers and the woman has got to go lay in bed. Many men who aren’t even Christians use this teaching to rule over their women and cause them to submit. The men won’t even give five minutes of their time to God, but when it comes to wanting sex or anything else from their woman, they throw the Bible in the woman’s face and tell them that “Women are supposed to submit to the men at all times.” The next curse says that the woman’s desire shall be unto her husband. This deals with the rabbi’s private interpretation of sexuality. In other words, the woman is cursed to always desire the man. It is saying that women don’t have a choice, that they are bound to their husbands like some sort of sex-slaves. This type of mentality is still very prevalent in many nations around the world. Whatever the man wants, the woman automatically must submit, without any argument. There are a great many injustices done to women all over the world because of this teaching that they claim “comes from the Word of God.”
WOMAN BECOMES HUSBAND’S PROPERTY THE NEXT CURSE IS similar in that it says the husband shall rule over the wife, she being in total submission and subjection to him. This is basically saying that the wife is the personal property of the husband. He owns her like he owns a cow or a donkey. The woman is just one more possession of the man. The next curse says the woman shall be wrapped up like a mourner. What this is saying is that the woman will always be in sorrow. She will always be in a lesser place of joy than the man and be constantly reminded of her inferiority and punishment. The next one says the woman will not appear in public with her head uncovered. In other words, she always has to have her head covered: this being another form of bondage placed upon the women by the Talmud, oppressive as Islam. The next curse says the woman is restricted to one husband while the man may have many wives. This practice is still found all over the world. One thing you never see [with maybe only a couple exceptions in all of history] is a kingdom where one wife has several husbands. Have you ever thought about that? Why is it that the kings can have all kinds of wives but the wives are restricted to one husband? For the Jews, this is just another of the Talmudic curses upon women. If the woman is just like another possession to the man, it isn’t surprising that he would feel it totally reasonable to have more than one. It would be the same as having several cars instead of one. The last curse says the woman is confined to the house. In other words, the woman is supposed to stay home, cook, pump out children and do whatever the man says to do because of the curse. You can find all these curses in the Talmud. MORE TALMUDIC LAWS I’M GOING TO FINISH up now looking at more laws found in the Talmud, because there are a lot of important things you need to be aware of. I’m not dwelling on this subject to get you on an anti-Jew kick. Believe me, I’m not a racist or a supremacist. If I was, I wouldn’t spend most of my time and energy working in many countries. I’m just telling you what the Jews have written. That’s why they try to hide it from the Gentiles. They try to hide it because too many people accuse them of a Zionist conspiracy. Many times these topics are hidden, these underlying things are concealed, yet I know that if people get a hold of this and read it [the Talmud], they will become very aware of just how much the Jews hate Christians and Christianity. Now, if the Jews are supposed to be so peace-loving and willing to work with others, how come you can’t go to their land and preach Jesus Christ? You can’t. It’s a CRIMINAL OFFENSE TO PREACH THE GOSPEL IN JERUSALEM. (It was at this writing!) But yet, at the same time, the Jews want to come over to other countries and push their pornography and their antichrist literature down our throats. And they want to change our laws to agree with their antichrist ideologies. They’re doing a fine job of it! They have infiltrated our culture to the extent that if you dare say anything against the Jews, automatically people jump back and say, “Don’t say anything bad about the Jews—they’re God’s chosen people!” They’ll always throw that in your face. In reality, God’s chosen people are those—no matter what race or nationality they may be—that believe in Him and worship Jesus Christ as their Lord and Saviour. Those are God’s true “Jews.” Let’s get the facts straight. I’m going to start reading some of the laws laid down for the Jews in the Talmud. Let’s start with this one, “To communicate anything to a goy [goy is the name they give to the Gentiles, which means cattle] about our religious relations would be equal to killing all Jews. For if a non-Jew or Gentile knew what we teach about them, they would kill us openly.” It is obvious that the Jews are supremacists who think that all other races are inferior. The reason I am going to the trouble to expose these points of Jewish doctrine is so that you can get an idea of how the Jewish traditions, which are found in the Talmud, are totally opposed to the Word of God. And the reason that this is necessary is because many of these traditions were absorbed by the early Christian Church due to the large number of Jewish converts who brought their traditions with them into Christ. It is because of this mixing of Christianity with Jewish tradition that Paul the apostle was continually settling disputes as to what was right and wrong among the early Christians. He was always exposing Jewish false doctrine that would try to creep into the Body of Christ, and one area that was of major importance was the role of women in the ministry. Contrary to what many people believe, Paul never said that women were to have “no voice” in the Church and be slaves to their husbands.
PREJUDICE AND HATRED TOWARDS WOMEN IN THIS PART OF our study I am trying to show you that the Jewish traditions found in their most sacred writings definitely reveal an extreme prejudice and hatred towards women. As I’ve been saying, after studying the Jewish traditions, you can see how they influenced the early Christian Church and helped formulate the idea that women don’t have a place in the ministry. Let me read another “scripture” out of the Talmud. It says, “If a Jew be called upon to explain any part of Jewish or Talmudic books, they are only to give a false explanation.” They gave themselves away in their own writings. And according to the Talmud, whoever will violate the laws of the Talmud should be put to death. I know this teaching is not going to be popular, yet a good understanding of Jewish traditions as found in the Talmud is important if we are to clearly understand where the teachings that say women can’t preach or teach originated. They did not originate from God. Here is another quote. It says, “The Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world [Gentiles] are NOT HUMAN BEINGS, BUT BEASTS. JEHOVAH CREATED NON-JEWS IN HUMAN FORM SO THAT THE JEW WOULD NOT HAVE TO BE SERVED BY THE BEASTS. THE NON-JEW IS AN ANIMAL IN HUMAN FORM AND IS CONDEMNED TO SERVE THE JEW DAY AND NIGHT” (my emph.). Is it any wonder that the Jews have a worldwide network that is continually trying to bring whole nations under their control? It’s because of this teaching above that they think the whole world should serve them. They think that the whole world is basically bound to submit to the Jews in one form or another. One last quote along these lines says, “All property of other nations belongs to the Jewish nation, which is consequently entitled to seize upon it without any scruples. As orthodox Jews we are not bound to observe principles of morality towards people of other tribes. We may act contrary to morality if it is profitable to ourselves or to Jews in general.” How do you like that one: NO SCRUPLES!
SEX WITH 3-YEAR-OLD CHILDREN PERMITTED HERE’S ANOTHER QUOTE DEALING with women and sex. It says, “A Gentile girl who is three years old can be violated.” This means that girls can be sexually abused at the age of three-years-old, as long as they are Gentiles. Do you want to know who pushes pornography? Do you want to know who pushes adolescent sex? THE JEWS ARE SOME OF THE BIGGEST PORNOGRAPHY PUSHERS IN AMERICA. Here is another frightening quote about women. It says, “A Jew may do to a non-Jewess [a Gentile woman] whatever he can do. He may treat her as he treats a piece of meat.” I’m sorry if you’re offended, but it’s in their own writings. I’m not making this up. Another quote says, “If a goy [Gentile] kills a Jew, he is responsible. But if a Jew kills a goy he is not responsible.” In other words, if a Jew kills a Gentile, it’s not a sin whatsoever. It goes on to say, “It is permitted to kill a Jewish denunciator anywhere. It is permitted to kill him before he denunciates Judaism.” So we see that murder, according to their law, is not a sin. Yet we know that God says it is a SIN to murder. I’m not talking about war killing, I’m talking about premeditated murder. That is what the Bible is talking about when it says “Thou shalt not kill.” It refers to premeditated murder, planned killing for hatred, or for any other reasons. Getting back to the point I’m making, the Jewish mentality is such that they can kill non-Jews or Christians and it’s not considered a sin unto them. They don’t think anything about it. In fact, it’s a privilege to kill a Christian. Think about that one.
“AS ALSO SAITH THE LAW” NOW THE REASON I said all that is to get back to the subject of women in the ministry. In I Corinthians chapter 14, as we mentioned before, some people think that Paul, “under the inspiration of God,” says that women must remain silent in the church and are not permitted to speak—and they back this up by quoting Paul when he says, “as also saith the law.” Many people believe that when Paul makes this statement that he is referring back to the law of Moses. Well, I’ll have you know that he is not referring back to the law of Moses, he’s referring back to the law of the rabbis, scribes and Pharisees of Orthodox Judaism. He is referring to the traditions of the Talmud which were trying to infiltrate the newborn Church of the Living God. They were trying to push their old Talmudic traditions on the new Christians so that they could gain control and totally manipulate them with hatred and bigotry. “...after studying the Jewish traditions, you can see how they influenced the early Christian Church and helped formulate the idea that women don’t have a place in the ministry.”
And unfortunately, in many cases, the Jews were successful at forcing their traditions upon the early Christians to the point that Paul had to come along and untangle the mess and get them back on the right track. Yet even today many Christians still believe that Paul was writing in favor of keeping women silent in the church, when in reality he was saying the opposite. Most people won’t even take the time to study this subject in depth, because if they did they would find that Paul was actually rebuking the Corinthians for believing the traditions of the Jews. In short, what Paul was doing when he wrote in I Corinthians 14 was restating a question which the Corinthians had written to him so that he could answer it effectively and pointedly. As I have already mentioned, we go into great detail on this subject in Parts 1-7 of this study. The whole concept that a woman can’t speak in the church goes back to the Jewish traditions that are full of HATRED FOR WOMEN and which teach that women cannot and should not be educated. This is why I’m taking the time to read these quotes from the Talmud, so that you can see for yourself that the Jews have hated women for a long time. In fact, women were not allowed to be taught in the synagogues. They could not learn and study; therefore they were intentionally kept ignorant, and ignorant women had no chance of ever gaining a position of responsibility in the ministry.
WOMEN SHOULD NOT BE EDUCATED THIS EXCLUSION OF WOMEN from any kind of education is another of the Jewish traditions which form the basis for scriptures like the one in I Corinthians 14:35 which says, “And if they will learn anything, let them ask their husbands at home, for it is a shame for women to speak in the church.” This was the structure which the rabbis had instituted, that women were only supposed to learn from their husbands at home. They could not go and learn directly from the teachers in the synagogues. Jesus Christ did not institute this and Paul never instituted it. These are Jewish traditions carried into the church which, unfortunately, have influenced the attitudes of many Christian men towards their wives. We must realize that we are dealing with some very heavy traditions that have kept women in bondage for centuries. It is essential that we come to grips with the fact that there are demonic forces at work in the world whose goal is to keep women cruelly oppressed and ignorant, and to especially keep them from becoming useful and productive servants of God. GOD WANTS WOMEN TO HAVE JUST AS MUCH OF A VOICE IN HIS BODY AS THE MEN. God wants to put it upon women to be preachers, teachers and prophets, just like the men. And to say that God would not do that is to belittle and look down upon what God has instituted and created. We need to get away from this whole Jewish mentality and get back to God on this subject. We need to see that the underlying motivation for these Jewish traditions is A DESIRE TO MURDER THE TRUTH. The fact is that women can be very open vessels to the Spirit of God, and God can speak to a woman just as easily and effectively as to a man; and when we create doctrines and promote teachings which hinder that, then we are in reality hindering a mouthpiece for God.
WORLDWIDE OPPRESSION OF WOMEN MUST STOP! IN CLOSING I WOULD like to expose another important point. We have often wondered why the majority of the Muslims in the Arab world essentially follow the teachings of the Talmud regarding their women. It doesn’t make sense, when you look at the extreme hatred and strife that has gone on for centuries between the Muslims and the Jews, that the Muslims would follow the Jewish teachings regarding women. It is a fact that Mohammed, the founder of Islam, was influenced by both Christianity and Judaism in the early stages of his growth, and if you examine the way women are treated in the nations that are ruled by Islam, you will find striking similarities to the Talmudic traditions. So, all along, the Muslims have been following the teachings and traditions of their enemies. It sounds like a good case of the blind leading the blind, and they have both FALLEN INTO THE DITCH. Finally, we want to say that we are determined to see the position of women elevated on a worldwide basis so that they can be actively used by God in the war against sin. We will continue to relentlessly expose the lies of the devil and do what is right in the sight of God. We welcome any and all who would like to join us in preaching the Gospel to those in darkness. Teamwork is the key to victory, and we look forward to a united war effort involving all those who desire to see Godly women go forth in the power of holiness. Amen.
GENERAL NOTE: IN ORDER TO AVOID confusion we want to say that we in NO WAY endorse the many modern-day Jezebel women who desire to usurp authority that God has not given them and dominate over others in a spirit of rebellion. Nor do we promote these prostitutes with painted faces that reek of sin and worldliness. We believe that true holiness of the heart will always manifest itself in our outward appearance. Godly women should look and act holy, not sexy and sleazy! |